The temperatures are dropping, and our feathered friends are flying South for the cold winter months ahead.
So what is an avian enthusiast to do...
... when only a few cheeky little friends remain?
Keep them right here with us, that's what. Keep your birding skills sharp through the winter with Bird Bingo!
FIlled with lovely illustrations so bright and vibrant you may think your favorite birds are right there with you, plus the added fun of a classic game, the time will fly by...
... and before you know it, warm days and our dear feathered friends will be back, and you'll be ready for them. This delightful game is new to us this year and we love it! That being said we think one of you lucky folks should have a game too!
For a chance to win Bird Bingo, simply leave a comment on this post by 8am MST Thursday November 28th. The winner will be chosen by random number and announced later that day.
And the winner is... Nancy who wrote:
"lovely! very sweet packaging. we're doing Feeder Watch and have been enjoying our time with the neighborhood birds."
Thank you to everyone who participated!
~ Jordan
P.S. Here are a few great ways to keep our feathered friends who do stick around well fed, warm and cozy this winter:
*Last time in Books and Stories: Elsa Beskow Minis