~ i.c.
« October 2013 | Main | December 2013 »
This week sure has flow by! Here are a few things that caught our eye...
- This thoroughly modern Von Trap family is pretty darn amazing, and cute!
- Love these photos of well-loved stuffed animals... mine was a floppy bunny named "tag-along".
- Well this is just plain cool... trash into art on the streets of Sao Paulo.
- A beautiful and simple way to talk about gratitude with children and to remember what you're grateful for.
- Dying from the cuteness... short, but probably the sweetest thing you will watch all day.
- Both beautiful and sad, take a look at a new map showing the decline in forests since 2000.
- You have to see this, if San Francisco's Batkid doesn't make you smile, we don't know what will.
Happy Weekend!
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Imagine a magical forest, a hillside full of blueberries, acorn swings, and the most beautiful sun egg you've ever seen...
... now take all of those wonderful adventures, timeless stories and enchanting illustrations and shrink them. Shrink them down to just the right size, so all of their magic can travel with you and the little ones in your life...
... the result is this delightful, and easy to bring along mini collection of the best of Elsa Beskow.
Perfect for on the go story time, camping lullabies, for little hands, and for space, these books bring the magic of Elsa Beskow with you, whereever life's adventures may take you.
When I was a kid I would spend hours after school drifting through the rooms of my Mother's toy store. It was a magical place, filled with toys and tools similar to the collection of goods we have put together here at Imagine Childhood. I remember a room, just to the right of the entrance, filled with dolls and handmade pillows, and the most beautiful rocking horse I had ever seen. Tucked on a small book shelf near the back of the room were these wonderful books. Ever so carefully I would pull one out at a time. With even more care I would open each book, turning the pages softly, so I would not crease them. The size of these books just made them so accessible. I didn't struggle to balance them on my lap, or fear of dropping them because I banged a corner into a wall while running to make my Papa read them to me. They were perfect, like Goldilocks in the Three Little Bears, these books were just right.
They were a perfect introduction to the beautifully enchanted world of Elsa Beskow. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
~ Jordan
Last time in Books and Stories: Halloween Stories for All
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The old boys are going on three this year, and are doing great. They are just recovering from their annual molting and it was not pretty. They looked naked with silvery spikes covering them, old feathers flying everywhere. The girls that arrived this spring, are now down at the barn so the fellas are lonely. When the girls arrived they came in a box of 25 chicks, you can request hens, but there is no firm guarantee that's what you will get. I did have one lone rooster in the bunch. At about eight weeks, eight of the hens and one rooster headed up to a friends home. They did great until the flooding on the front range occurred. Our friend's home was flooded. The Chickens survived but the rooster, Roy, came out of the tragedy not himself and started getting rather defensive of the coop. With two little ones in the family who love to collect eggs, that just was not going to work. So Roy came back home.
He has been here for about a week getting to know the other roosters through a fence. It appeared all was going well, but not ever going through the experience of adding a Rooster to the flock, my timing was off. Sunday afternoon Roy was released out with the boys.
It went well at first, all scurried off, the old boys showing the way. First stop the bird seed for the wild birds, they need to clean that up daily! Keeping a close eye on them and my broom at the ready (it's a great separator doing so gently and giving me some distance), suddenly two were missing...
... once found the broom came to the rescue, and dear Roy was separated from Nod, both were ok. Roy is now back in his coop watching the boys from a distance. I think more time might be needed, maybe they may never be out together but right now that is my hope, that all four can range free.
To finding common ground, and realizing it might take some time....
~ Deb
* Last time in Barn Stories: Spooky Morning
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It's that time of year again, time for our annual holiday catalog release and giveaway!
Whether you are exploring the trees outside your window, or the forest of your imagination, this year’s holiday guide has everything you’ll need to fuel your adventures. From inspiring gifts, to engaging crafts, and irresistible recipes, we’ve got you covered, and on top of that, today we'll give it to you for FREE!
This year, your holiday shopping spree could be on us! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite item from the shop and you could win it (up to a $150 value). And if you can't decide, we'll just go ahead and give you a gift certificate for $150!
Make sure to leave a comment on this post by Tuesday 11/12/13 at 4pm. One winner will be chosen by the lovely random number generator and announced later that day!
*Want even more chances? Follow us on Pinterest and/or Facebook (if you already do then share this giveaway on your Pinterest and/or Facebook page). You can also get another link by sharing this giveaway on your blog or twitter. Just make sure, whatever you do, you come back here and leave another comment letting us know you shared.
Comments Closed.
And the winner is Tree who said:
"Oh my! It is way too hard to chose a favorite item! i love them all, and i love the catalog. So beautifully put together! thank you for the chance!"
Thank you so much everyone for participating and for all of your kind words. You are the BEST!
Happy Holidays!
Posted in Crafts and Imagination, Giveaways | Permalink | Comments (557)
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