It seems like a lot of us are experiencing winter at this moment. I am always astounded by the beauty a fresh coat of snow brings to the land. The structure of the native garden, which without the snow is looking a little ragged, is transformed. The snow brings the garden to life in a different way with new colors coming into play. Seeing it this way also gives me ideas of where to plant in the spring, which I can not see in the usual crumble of leaves.

How the snow lands is another event to notice. The wind and temperature playing with the moisture as it travels toward the ground landing each time in such different ways. This time the snow collected onto just the ends of the branches, like little tufts.

It was very cold when the snow fell, so it made crystalline snow, sparkling in the sunlight. The whole landscaped glittered, highlighting where my dear wild hares were hopping to.

The colors though muted are a palette all on there own, the Yucca has turned into a moss green from a vibrant green in the summer.

While the gold of the dried sunflowers brings a warmth to the land, even when the sun is nowhere to be seen.
Happy Winter, and stay warm!
~ Deb
* Last time in Barn Stories: So Many Eggs!