After last's week's great interview with the ladies over at Mud Puddles to Meteors, I couldn't help but look up.
Look up into the sky, and also "look up" old photos of the weather events we have recorded here on our blog.
I didn't have to look too far to find something, well, rather magical to post here today. Deb, of our beloved Barn Stories posts, sent these over last week. They are of an approaching winter storm, and by the looks of it, a wild one at that!
Weather is most certainly all around us, and lucky for us, changing every day. There is no shortage of wonderful and amazing things to observe and share! Which is why we are still so excited about The Weather Watcher's Handbook: a family guide to weather science. Speaking of which, it's almost time to announce the winner of this wonderful ebook...
"Our family would love this book, thanks for the giveaway!"
Thank you to everyone who participated!
~ Jordan
*Last time in Books and Stories: Mud Puddles to Meteors Interview and Book Givaway!