A few weeks ago during our spring giveaways I introduced you to the Makerie, a beautiful retreat dedicated to nurturing creativity and creative exploration. While I hinted at what I was going to do there during an event hosted by Roost Books (it was a bit of a secret at the time), now I can share a few images of what was a pretty magical night.
You see, in all the years that I've been working on Imagine Childhood, and in the year and a half that our book has been out in the world, I rarely get to interact face to face with the people I'm sharing my work with. On one hand, I feel so lucky to be a part of the lives of some truly amazing people I would never have met if not for the technological wires that connect us through long distances and busy schedules. On the other hand, as was illustrated clearly that evening at the Makerie, there is no substitution for true physical presence in a moment. Plus. . .
. . . I got to make a huge blanket fort (an expanded four sided version of the one from Imagine Childhood). That alone was a prize in and of itself. Constructed from old table cloths, it was a true makeshift endeavor reminding me once again that the only ingredients you need for real magic are. . .
. . . simple materials. . .
. . . playfulness . . .
. . . and a few good friends.
{ Roost Books sponsored the evening and generously gave everyone a copy of our book!}
Thank you to everyone who came out for the night, it was wonderful to see all of your beautiful faces and to hear your stories. It's nice to know there are so many creative, open, and playful kids out there. . . disguised as grown-ups.
~ Sarah
**Images courtesy of Teryn Wilkes, Jordan Reijnen, and Jonas Olmsted