Is there anything better. . .
. . . than wandering. . .
. . . through the woods. . .
. . . with a group of creative. . .
. . . and talented. . .
. . . preschool teachers?
After teaching two workshops at the Nature Preschool Conference this past weekend. . . I think not. What a fantastic group of educators committed to sharing the world of nature with their students! If I had any fears about the future with all of the challenging news and statistics that come through my radio day after day, meeting so many people who believe in the endless potential for growth and positivity, set me right again. With teachers like these our future is bound to be bright.
A BIG thanks to the Irvine Nature Center for inviting me to share Imagine Childhood at the conference and for all that you do each and every day of the year at your fantastic institution.
My heart is full. . .
~ Sarah
P.S. If you live in Baltimore or the surrounding areas stop by Irvine for a stroll through their seemingly endless trails. There is so much to see and it's free to wander the grounds and play in their nature classroom! They also have a great list of ongoing classes. Here's a few upcoming events that look like fun:
Parent and Child Classes starting this fall
*Some images above courtesy of the Irvine Nature Center*