Do you see what I see? In the middle, off to the side a bit... yellow and fuzzy, with a bit of fresh pollen around the edges?
You got it, it's our dear friend the Bumblebee! And this sweet little one definitely had the bumble part down.
Bouncing from clover blossom to clover blossom, rumble tumble, getting all the pollen he could.
And from the looks of it, he's got a good amount piling up. From the compost pile to full grown plants, our bumblebee and pollinator friends are the key to making all the growing magic happen.
~ Jordan
P.S. The winner of our Compost book giveaway was Kasi who wrote:
This looks like a great book to get kids in gardening and compositing.
Thank you everyone for participating!
* Last time in Books and Stories: Compost Book Giveaway!