If you haven't yet noticed, we love hang out in the kitchen as much as possible. It's where the best things happen, right? Good food, fun moments shared, and a lifetime of learning at your fingertips. Okay, the outdoors might have a one up on the kitchen, but not by much.
And you do you know what makes the kitchen so much more fun to play in? The right tools. Cooking and baking can be done with vary little in terms of equipment, but the right tools can also make it so much easier to enjoy.
Especially baking, and especially when the tools are the right size for little hands. I remember getting so excited when I was a kid when something was my size, when I felt like something was made just for me. The only problem was that most of the time, the tools didn't actually work, they were just for show. To add to it, many full-sized baking tools and pans can be too heavy and cumbersome for children to manage full use of them.
Not so with these tools and pans. Made from lighter weight materials, yet durable enough to withstand a good flour fight, these pint-sized pieces of baking apparatus will no doubt peak little ones curiosity. From a hand-powered beater, to a sturdy wooden rolling pin, sweet little baking tins, and the cutest (yes, tools can be cute) flour sifter we ever saw, these baking tools and pans are sure to get little ones exploring and creating in the kitchen for years to come.
Bon appetit!
~ Jordan
P.S. check back later this afternoon to see the winner of the Baking with Kids book giveaway!
* Last time in Our Favorite Things: Classic Writing Sets