Each musical instrument on its own is a work of art, and a treasure to hear. But what happens when you combine 4, 5, or even 50 instruments is pure magic.
And if the orchestra is the magic, surely the composer and later the conductor is the magician.
From classical music at its peak, to modern era composers and works of musical art played today, The Story of the Orchestra by Robert Levine is a treat for the eyes, the mind, and especially for the ears!
Not content to just be a picture book, this hardcover musical anthology includes a CD filled with extra stories and musical examples to listen to while reading the book.
Along the way the book's conductor, Orchestra Bob, pops in and out instructing the reader on what to listen to, to fully understand what the book is talking about and to bring new details to light.
The Story of the Orchestra is a wonderful, interactive, and wildly informative way to learn about classical music, composers and how the orchestra comes together. We have no doubt children and adults alike will find this book to be a great resource and supplement to musical education, as well as a great was to spend an hour together.
Which is why we want to share a copy with one of you lovely readers! To enter to win a copy of The Story of the Orchestra, simply leave a comment on this post by Thursday February 26th at 8am MST. The winner will be chosen by the lovely Random Number Generator and announced later that day.
And the winner is... Angie who wrote:
"Oh, I should get this for my kids! I'm a violinist in a community orchestra and my kids often accompany me to rehearsal."
Thank you to everyone who participated!
~ Jordan
*Last time in Books and Stories: Baking with Kids + a Giveaway!