To stare at the stars in wonder is one of life's simple pleasures. Yet to know more about them, only seems to increase that wonder. Which is why we love Solar System: A Visual Exploration of the Planets, Moons, and Other Heavenly Bodies that Orbit Our Sun by Marcus Chown.

Similar in layout to it's cousin, The Elements, Solar System is a wonderfully visual adventure into the cosmos.

Beginning with where we are in the Universe, the book then moves inward to the inner solar system, the sun and the planets made of rock. The details here are concise and easy to comprehend, not to mention visually captivating. Each planet is investigated in detail, including orbital data and physical data.

Next up are asteroids and the outer solar system. Chunks of rock and ice hurl through space and collide with impressive force, while gaseous planets 10 times the size of earth harbor storms that have been raging for centuries. What I love about the writing here is it's heart. Chown is obviously quite excited about the solar system, and it shows. In fact, it's pretty contagious.

After randomly opening the book for a few weeks now, I was never disappointed at what I found. In fact I rather prefer to read the book that way, acquiring little bits of information each day. It really is the kind of book you leave out on the coffee table, except that the kids will enjoy it just as much as you.
From general solar system basics to delightful facts I had no idea existed, reading Solar System only deepened my sense of wonder every time I look up. Which is why we want you to have a copy!
To enter to win a copy of Solar System simply leave a comment on this blog by Thursday, June 4th at 9am MST. The winner will be chosen by the lovely Random Number Generator and announced later that day.
And the winner is Angela who said:
"My Seyda would absolutely LOVE this book! Thank you for this opportunity!"
Thank you to everyone who participated!
~ Jordan
* Last time in Books and Stories: How Does My Garden Grow