For many out there, school has just begun. And what a whirlwind it's been! It seems like just yesterday that we were clamoring for sunny summer days full of exploration. We had a great summer here at Imagine Childhood. We climbed a few mountains, set off on some amazing trails, swam in rivers and felt the sand between our toes. It really is hard to see it come to an end.
But with those adventures behind us, it's time to hunker down and fully embrace the wonder and magic that is the school year. So we pulled together a few of our favorite Back-to-School Books that we know will bring all that exploring, rock-turning, flower marveling, cloud watching, and adventuring into sharp focus. Enjoy!

Back to School Books:
The Write Start:Creative concepts, insightful words and fun activities all come together in this delightful creative writing book. Perfect for the budding authors in your life.
Make Map Art: Cartographers rejoice! This creative tool kit includes everything map lovers need to create custom frame-worthy map art. The instructional booklet includes projects ranging from personalized party invitations to a road map to happiness, all easily crafted from the fill-in map templates, legends, and icons included. Plus a bonus poster-size world map for charting global destinations!
The Nature Connection: There is no question that the outdoors is the best place to be, make the most of your adventures with this fun and interactive nature workbook! Lifetime naturalist and artist Clare Walker Leslie has been igniting kids curiosity around nature for decades. Combining directed observational activities with field notes and journaling, her unique approach nurtures for the next generation of nature lovers and environmentalists.
A Little History of the World: A Little History of the World presents a lively and involving history of the world for young readers. Superbly designed and freshly illustrated, this is a necessary book for everyone's library. In forty concise chapters, Gombrich tells the story of man from the stone age onward. In between emerges a colorful picture of wars and conquests, grand works of art, and the spread and limitations of science. This is a text dominated not by dates and facts, but by the sweep of mankind’s experience across the centuries.
Painting with Children: The Stimulation of active imagination and creativity is a vital factor in a child's development. This essential practical guide for parents and teachers, filled with colorful examples, shows that painting with children is more than just a form of self-expression. It contains sections on the moral effects of color, experiencing colors, preparation, color stories and poems, panting with plant colors, painting the moods and seasons of nature, and more.
The Elements: To say we love The Elements: A Visual Exploration of Every Known Atom in the Universe would be a gross understatement. This gorgeous book is just as cool as the subject matter, well almost (seriously what's cooler than The Periodic Table of the Elements?). Visual learners will have a field day with the well represented history and uses of each element. While the truly scientific at heart will appreciate the concise language, clear descriptions, and logical layout and explanation of each element of the periodic table. And for the completely unscientifically inclined, this book is just plain cool. Our world is an amazing and wonder-filled place, and this book does a great job explaining all the different components that come together to make it that way.
Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments: Stinky smells and pretty colors are all fun and good, but for the real science buffs out there, this book is a treat. This one-of-a-kind guide explains how to set up and use a home chemistry lab, with step-by-step instructions for conducting experiments in basic chemistry. With plenty of full-color illustrations and photos, the Illustrated Guide to Home Chemistry Experiments offers introductory level sessions suitable for a middle school or first-year high school chemistry laboratory course.
Secrets of Mental Math: Whether you are a math wiz, or struggle to do basic arrhythmic in your head, this is book is wizard! And by wizard we me genius! Thoughtfully explained math principals combine with easy to learn calculation techniques to produce competence and confidence in mental math. Learn to quickly multiply and divide triple digits, compute with fractions, and determine squares, cubes, and roots without blinking an eye. Amaze your friends and yourself with the skills and math tricks the Secrets of Mental Math will teach you.
Imagine Childhood: For children, potential is limitless, curiosity is an electrical current, and every moment is open to the possibility of the unexpected. Day-to-day life is filled with adventure. Road blocks are invitations to try new routes. And the world is vast and expansive. This book is a celebration of childhood through the crafts and activities that invite wonder and play. The twenty-five projects and activities in this book are meant to speak to the way children engage with the world. These projects are not about what is produced in the end (although that part is fun too) but rather they are stepping-off points—activities that spark curiosity, an adventure, or an investigation. They’re about the process of getting there. They’re about the conversations that happen while making things together. They’re about getting to know the world inch by inch. They’re about exploring imaginary universes and running through real forests. They’re about living in childhood . . . regardless of your actual age. They’re about being a kid.
Plays Children Love: A favorite of students, teachers, parents, and dramatists for decades, this lovely collection of twenty Plays Children Love will keep little ones entertained for hours. Among the favorites collected here: Charlotte's Web, The Wizard of Oz, Treasure Island, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.
Molecules: We are all connected! Just like it's predecessor, The Elements, Molecules is filled with stunning photos and heaps of fascinating information. Visual learners will have a field day with engaging photos. While the truly scientific at heart will appreciate the concise language, clear descriptions, and logical progression and explanation of so many fascinating molecules. And for the completely unscientifically inclined, this book is just plain cool! Our world is an amazing and wonder-filled place, and this book does a great job explaining all the different components that come together to make it that way.
Happy Reading!
~ i.c.
* Last time in Tell Me a Story: The Story of Buildings + a Giveaway!