What do you do when there's a blizzard outside your window in late March?

You make. . .

. . . tasty, gluten free scones. . .

. . . speckled with orange zest, dipped in dark chocolate, and. . .

. . . shaped like sweet little bunnies. Just in time for Easter Brunch!
Gluten Free Orange Chocolate Scones
Recipe adapted from here
- 4 cups almond flour
- 2 eggs (large enough to make about 1/2 cup when slightly beaten)
- 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt
- 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
- 4 tablespoons honey
- zest from one orange
- 1 cup dark chocolate chips (for dipping)
- coarse sea salt for sprinkling
Heat the oven to 350 degrees.
Mix the eggs, honey and vanilla in one bowl. In another bowl, whisk together the almond flour, orange zest, baking soda and salt. Combine the wet and dry ingredients making sure everything is fully incorporated.
Press the dough into a slab that is about 3/4" thick. Using this printable bunny template and a knife, or a bunny cookie cutter of roughly the same size, cut out 8 rabbits. You may need to gather the scraps and press them out again to do this. I like to use a pastry knife or a wide flat spatula to help move the scones to a parchment lined baking sheet.
Use any scraps left after this to make the little wedge "carrots" by pressing them into a disc and slicing them into 8 pieces like you would a pie. Place these wedges on the lined baking sheet as well.
Bake for 10-12 minutes or until the edges are golden. Allow to cool for 5 or more minutes before moving them from the baking sheet.
While the scones are baking, melt the chocolate in a double boiler or in a metal bowl over a pot of simmering water.
Dip the wide ends of the little wedges in the chocolate and sprinkle them with sea salt when you're done.
Dip the feet of the rabbits in the chocolate and allow to cool completely before serving.
Happy Spring!
With the Kids:
- Invite the kids to help you cut out the paper bunny patterns and try their hand at drawing a pattern for a special scone shape of their own.
- Ask them to help you mix and press out the dough.
- Chat together about who you would like to invite to spring brunch and what activities you'd like to do. We like this Spring Theater activity quite a bit.
- Tie ribbons around the rabbits for an extra special touch.
- Talk about all of the spring adventures you'd like to go on as the weather continues to warm and the flowers begin to bloom.
~ Sarah