As the school year begins to wind up, we thought it would be fun to make a sweet little project. . .

. . . that helps kiddos visualize. . .

. . . their academic progress. . .

. . . as they gain new skills in each subject. . .

. . . to fill out their tree of knowledge.
Once the school year begins, it can start a forward momentum that seems almost unstoppable at times, which is a stark contrast to the slower pace of summer days. By making a "Tree of Knowledge" with your kids, you can set aside a moment each day to slow down. A moment to sit together and talk about the day and the lessons they learned. A moment to recognize their accomplishments, however big or small. A moment to be together, to grow together.
Tree of Knowledge
- Canvas (size of your choice)
- felt
- needle and thread
- Ribbon or cord
- pencil
- permanent marker (fine tip)
- leaf pattern (or leaf cookie cutter)
- scissors
Rip canvas to your desired size. Using a pencil, lightly sketch a tree with your kiddos on the fabric. When you have the shape you'd like, draw over the lines with a permanent marker.
Write the name of a school subject on each branch (see images above).
Using this pattern here, or a leaf cookie cuter as a pattern, trace lots of leaves in various sizes on the felt (to make different sizes with the pattern adjust the size in the printer dialog box). Cut out the leaves.
Cut out one large leaf to function as the pocket. Using a blanket stitch, attach the bottom half of the large leaf to the canvas, leaving the top half open, like a pocket.
Put all of the other leaves in the pocket.
Sew your ribbon or cord along the top half of the canvas, leaving long ends on either side. Connect these together to make a loop, or, if you'd like tassels (like the one above) attach another piece of ribbon to each end and secure with a few stitches.
Hang on the wall by two points. Invite your kiddo to sew (or safety pin) on leaves when they learn a new fact, concept, and/or skill.
Happy learning!
"Great! This would be awesome to win! Thanks for the chance."