5 Reasons to Learn to Use a Compass
1. Learning the Four Directions - Orienteering: Learning to orient yourself or orienteering as it's also known is an all important skill. This necessary life skill starts by learning the four main directions, North, South, East, and West. When you hold a compass in the palm of your hand, the four directions are no longer points on a map, but living, breathing wilderness just waiting to be explored!
2. Geology - Earth's Magnetic Fields: What is so cool here is that learning how to use a compass is like a geologic conversation starter. Not only will plotting a path and using a compass to follow it bring you past all sorts of geology to marvel at, but did you know that the Earth's Poles actually reverse all the (geologic) time? Crazy!
3. Astronomy - Earth's Tilt: There are two different North's ( I know, a bit confusing!). There is True North, which refers to the North Pole, and Magnetic North, which is where the needle on a compass will direct you. The difference between the two is known as declination, and is important to calculate while orienteering.
4. Wilderness Safety: I know, I know, your phone or GPS devise has a compass, and easily downloadable directions, and even a little voice that will tell you when to turn right. BUT... these tech gadgets also have batteries that run out, or as will often happen in the wilderness there just isn't any service, or best of all, you drop it on a rock and it breaks. What then? A compass is what! Learning to use a compass is not only fun, but could just save your life!
5.Your Place in the World!: The world is a big place, filled with lots of people. Sometimes this can feel a bit overwhelming. This may sound silly, but I have our Compass Pin pinned to the strap of my bag. Having a compass with me while I'm out and about helps remind me to stay grounded, to take a step back and figure out where I'm really at. Knowing how to use a compass helps me find my place in the world, metaphorically and physically. And finally, the best part of knowledge is knowing how to use it. Which means making up fun games, like scavenger hunts using navigation clues! Yay orienteering!
Excited to get out there and orienteer? Let these great products help you make the most of your experience!
Classic Lensatic Sighting Compass