This summer has been one of the hardest yet here on the farm. I have never experienced such extremes from one day to the next. Spring was wild, but you come to expect some of that, and hope for the rain that comes with it. July and August kept me busy each day, planning on when to get the animals out, when to get them back in and what to do when you were stuck out in the storms with them... Instead of the risk of fire that we have had for the last five years, it was hail and lightning and the chance of flooding. . .
Each storm started with the build up of clouds, thousands of feet high and ended with glorious rainbows, always promising hope on the other side. . .
. . . just like the sunsets that ended the day with brilliance, almost like the sky was giving a kind apology for all of the running around it had caused earlier. . .
The lighting could make your hair stand on end, through forethought, the barn and house are protected by lighting rods and all were safe when inside. But the trick is to get everyone inside before it arrived. Many an afternoon when all should have been out grazing we were in the barn hallway playing games trying to get some exercise. Chickens watching from the sidelines and Merry the pony creating the rules for all to follow. Ponies do that!
Even at sunset when all should be starting to settle down, large storm clouds would form, this was one of the more threatening skies at dusk. So many of the big storms form over our land swirling then heading off towards the east.
With all that was going on, when there was a moment to do some making, a rainbow fairy was just the little one to arrive, reminding me of the balance that nature always brings. With hard storms comes great beauty.
We were greener this summer, but discovered the drought had brought harm to our grazing grass and had encourage the sage to thrive instead. It will take years to bring back the grass. The silver lining to it all is that we will have sage bundles for smudging, the birds love the sage, and the sheep might eat a little in the fall when all else is gone.
To silver linings and rainbows after the storm. . .
~ Deb
*Last time in Barn Stories: Crabapple Fairies